Thursday, May 23, 2024

Regina McGrane teaching a lab course
Dr. Regina McGrane has been chosen for two fellowships: the CURE TAPESTRy Fellowship, aimed at assisting her in crafting professional development materials and initiatives for teaching assistants in General Microbiology labs; and the MOER (Microbiology Open Education Resource) Fellowship funded by a National Scientific Foundation grant. In this capacity, she will oversee projects with Directed Study students who serve as learning assistants for General Microbiology Laboratory and collaborate with them to annotate episodes of TWiM (This Week in Microbiology) podcasts. These annotations will be tailored to align with Vision and Change principles and the updated ASM curricular guidelines, facilitating their seamless integration into general microbiology courses. They will also be published in the Podcast Annotation Resources: Microbiology (PAR:M) Pressbook.