MUSA (Microbiology Undergraduate Student Association) is an active student-run organization that provides support to undergraduate microbiology majors. 

MUSA Officers and Contacts

Regina Mcgrane

Gina McGrane, PhD

Instructor of Microbiology and Immunology

MUSA Faculty Advisor

Email: Gina McGrane, PhD

Kailey Hogaboom

Kailey Hogaboom


The duties of the president are as follows: coordinating events, speakers, meetings, fundraising campaigns, UI student government paperwork (grant applications, budget development). The MUSA President explores marketing ideas, including promotional items, member recruitment, and act as primary representative for MUSA.

Email: Kailey Hogaboom

Emma Eubank

Emma Eubank

Vice President

The vice president is responsible for the coordination of the annual trip to the American Society of Microbiology General Meeting and assisting the president in event scheduling.

Email: Emma Eubank

Grace Guzman

Grace Gutzman


The secretary records all meeting minutes and financial documentation and coordinates finances and monies. Email the Secretary about MUSA product sales or the meeting schedule.

Email: Grace Gutzman

Georgia Chaffin

Georgia Chaffin

Marketing & Merchandise Chair

Email: Georgia Chaffin

Logan Beeman

Logan Beeman


The treasurer assists in all fundraising events and serves as a financial liaison between the Microbiology Department and The University of Iowa Student Government (SOBO).

Email: Logan Beeman

Meeting Times/Places

Meetings will be held on Sunday of every month in the IMU (meeting rooms will differ, check IMU monitors)

Email:   MUSA President or the MUSA faculty advisor, Regina McGrane


A goal of MUSA is to promote microbiology and science to students of all ages and the community. MUSA attends several local outreach events, including Girls Go STEM and Kids Go STEM, and at local elementary schools.   


Each year a group of MUSA students attends the Midwest regional meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. While attending, students learn about current studies and research in many fields of Microbiology. If you are interested in donating to help these students attend, please contact the MUSA President. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

Links of Interest

American Society for Microbiology

The statements, expressed opinions and links displayed on MUSA Web pages are generated and posted by the student members of MUSA. No official endorsement or approval by The University of Iowa of the viewpoints expressed on this web page or any of the student organization activities described on this web page should be inferred. The activities and events of this student organization are not necessarily sponsored or approved by The University of Iowa.

2024-2025 MUSA Schedule


9/4/2024 5-7pm: Student Org Fair Table 
9/6/2024 10:30am-1pm: MUSA Merch table at ASM Coffee Hour @BSB Atrium 
9/8/2024 4-5pm: Intro to MUSA @IMU River Room I (103A) 
9/15/2024 1-3pm: MUSA @ International Microorganism Day @Iowa City Public Library 
9/25/2024 4-5: MUSA and BMBC The State Hygienic Laboratory: Science, Public Health, and STEM Careers @  MERF 1117 

10/6/2024 4-5pm: Science Social Night with BMB Club and Psi Chi @IMU River Room I (103A) 
10/21/2024  4:30-6pm So you want to be a professional academic scientist? Academic Scientist Panel (MERF 1289)

11/3/2024 4-5pm: Microbiology Guess Who + Other Microbe themed games @IMU Iowa First Room (349)
11/18/2024 - 4:45 - 6:15 pm: Undergraduate Research Opportunity Panel (283 EMRB - Seebohm)

12/8/2024 4-6pm: Finals Collaborative Group Study Location BSB 2-501 

JANUARY 2025: 
Date and Time TBA: Spring Student Org Fair Table

2/2/2025 4-5pm: Be our Valentine? Valentine’s Day cards and microbe speed dating! @IMU Student Leadership Room (351)
Date and Time TBA: OUR opportunities for Microbiology Undergrads (LOCATION TBA)

3/2/2025 Time TBA: Brewery Tour! (LOCATION TBA)
Date and Time TBA: Crochet Microbes and Talk about Honors in the Major! (LOCATION TBA)

4/8/2025 4-5pm: Microbiology Over the Summer Meeting! @IMU MGC Council Room (337)
Date and Time TBA: Graduate Student Panel (Location TBA) 
Date and Time TBA: MUSA Executive Board Elections 

5/4/2025 4-6pm: Collaborative group finals study session Location BSB 2-501