Microbiology, Bachelor of Science

Students majoring in Microbiology must fulfill the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences GE CLAS Core Requirements

Students in class

Courses are grouped according to the semester(s) when they are available

Courses Offered Only in Fall Semester

MICR:3147 Immunology and Human Disease
3 s.h.
Important principles and key concepts in immunology with a focus on the involvement of the immune system in disease pathogenesis; overview of innate and adaptive immune systems and their functions at cellular and molecular levels. Prerequisites: BIOL:1411 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL:1412 with a minimum grade of C

MICR:3168 Viruses and Human Disease
3 s.h.

Infection and replication strategies of viruses with an emphasis on human disease; for microbiology majors as well as students interested in pre-medicine, biological sciences, epidemiology, and/or other health-related occupations. Prerequisites: BIOL:1412 with a minimum grade of C or MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C. Recommendations: basic understanding of molecular biology and immunology.

MICR:3170 Microbial Genetics
2 s.h.

Genetics of bacteria and bacteriophages including classical, molecular, and genome-wide approaches. Prerequisites: BIOL:2512 with a minimum grade of C or MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C.

MICR:3178 Virology Laboratory
2 s.h.

Practical approaches to studying viruses; basic techniques in virology including virus detection, virus growth measurement, and virus genetics; introduction to bioinformatic analysis of virus genomes and infections. Prerequisites: MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C and MICR:2158 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: MICR:3168 (if not taken as a prerequisite).

Courses Offered Only in Spring Semester

MICR:3150 Eukaryotic Pathogens and Human Disease
2 s.h.
Foundational understanding of the lifecycle, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of major eukaryotic pathogens/parasites that cause human disease. Prerequisites: MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C. Recommendations: genetics, biochemistry, and immunology.

MICR:3159 Bacteria and Human Disease
3 s.h.
Infection and replication strategies of bacteria with an emphasis on human disease; for students interested in microbiology or other biological sciences, epidemiology, and/or health-related occupations. Prerequisites: MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C.

MICR:3160 Bacterial Physiology and Cell Biology
2 s.h.

Bacterial physiology and cell biology with reference to model organisms and adaptations to extreme environments; topics include energy metabolism, growth, cell structure, macromolecular assembly, cell division, microbial development, and microbial interactions; lectures augmented with readings from primary literature to give students a strong foundation in prokaryotic biology and approaches used in modern microbiology research. Prerequisites: (BIOC:3110 or BIOC:3120) and MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C.

MICR:3165 Bacteria and Human Disease Laboratory and Discussion
3 s.h.

Use of bacterial genetics and molecular biology techniques and methodologies to study bacteria which cause human disease; development of skills in data analysis and presentation, reading scientific literature, and writing scientific abstracts; for students interested in microbiology or other biological sciences, epidemiology, and/or health-related occupations. Prerequisites: MICR:2157 with a minimum grade of C and MICR:2158 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: MICR:3159 or MICR:3170, if not taken as a prerequisite.

MICR:3177 Virology Discussion
2 s.h.
Students read, present, and discuss papers from virology literature that address classic and current issues in virology research. Students will learn how to critically evaluate and present methods and results from virology research papers. Prerequisites: MICR:3168 with a minimum grade of C. 

Courses Offered in Fall or Spring Semesters

MICR:2157 General Microbiology
3 s.h.
Principles of bacterial and viral diversity, structure, genetics, physiology, and metabolism in contexts of molecular biology, immunology, infectious disease, and environmental microbiology. Prerequisites: BIOL:1411 and CHEM:1110.

MICR:2158 General Microbiology Laboratory
2 s.h.
Practice of basic techniques commonly used today for study of easy-to-grow microorganisms; variety of individual and group lab activities that challenge students to apply observations about bacteria and viruses. Corequisites: MICR:2157, if not taken as a prerequisite.

MICR:5218 Microscopy for Biomedical Research
Basic microscopy methods for research including optics, preparation, and analysis of biomedical specimens; light, fluorescence, confocal, transmitting electron, scanning electron, atomic force microscopes, elemental analysis; immunochemistry and stereology techniques; individualized laboratory instruction. Prerequisites: BIOL:2723. Same as ACB:5218, BIOL:5218.

Courses Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters

MICR:4161 Undergraduate Research in Microbiology
Experimental research under faculty supervision. May be repeated. Prerequisites: BIOL:1411.

MICR:4171 Honors Microbiology
Experimental research under faculty supervision. May be repeated. Prerequisites: BIOL:1411. Requirements: microbiology major, junior or senior standing, 3.33 overall g.p.a., and 3.33 g.p.a. in microbiology courses.


Senior undergraduate majors who have excelled in their undergraduate courses may consult with their advisor about taking graduate level courses.